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President’s Day 2023

Initially, created to celebrate the first President of the United States, George Washington, this day later evolved to consider both Presidents Washington and Abraham Lincoln, who each were celebrated for different reasons. Later, it was determined that all U.S. Presidents, past and present, would be… Read More »President’s Day 2023

Happy Holidays 2022

As we celebrate Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, or another holiday this month, Council 100 wishes you all a healthy and warm holiday season! Your uphill struggle has not, and will not, go unnoticed. The quote “There’s never a substitute for hard work” explains our situation today.… Read More »Happy Holidays 2022

Labor Day 2022

Often serving as a marker to signal the end of summertime, the last holiday before kids return back to school (some already have), or just another three-day weekend when barbecues are had, vacations are took, and parks are packed, Labor Day, which was unofficially established… Read More »Labor Day 2022