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Fourth of July 2022

ake a look around you, look at all the grandeur, which surrounds you! We live in the greatest country on earth; and we love this country with all our hearts. She is the mother who harbors all who seek refuge, that is how she was founded. 

The Fourth of July, or Independence Day, conjures up memories for many of us as children, teenagers, or young adults, who would sit and watch the firework displays shooting up in the air to loud bangs, pops, and then fizzles loud and high up in the infinite skies, as they would dissipate in fiery trickles, falling like invisible raindrops.

This country, she is perfect for us. She accepts us all for who we are and what we have to offer. The United States of America, land that we love. 

She is pure in her honesty and honest in her beauty. She graces us with splendid views, such as emerald landscapes of well-rounded hills, golden fields with rich soil enough to feed the poorest soul. Her translucent lakes and rivers, vast salty sea, and shady and competent trees and shrubbery matching poor copies of a kindergartener’s version, courtesy of freehand with large Crayola crayons.

She exemplifies dignity, freedom, divinity, and peace, of which others jealously wish they could attain. Her people, which are all people, are inherently good, though there are always a few bad apples. And speaking of apples, her likeness, who aliases as Lady Liberty, can be seen standing tall, proud, and welcoming in New York on an island (Liberty Island) named after her.

This great country of ours, has no flaws, except to house those who espouse ideologies which conflict and contrast with her own ideals. You see, while we, as a society, continue to debate, deflect, and denigrate others’ belief systems, Constitutional interpretations, political discourse, and moral judgements, our Lady of Freedom continues shining throughout. 

And when the fireworks fade into the night of oblivion, when we are all dead and gone, and we become the ancestors of future generations’ past, our Lady of Light, with her illuminated torch, will continue to accept journeyers from far away lands, providing opportunities, similar to those we and our forefathers had. 

Be safe. Be well. Be one.

One nation under God. Indivisible.

In Unity,
AFGE Council 100

Hydrick Thomas, President | Mac Johnson, Council Executive Vice President | Johnny Jones, Council Secretary-Treasurer | Thomas Schoregge, Region 1 V.P. | John Hubert, Region 2 V.P. | Janis Casey, Region 3 V.P. | Becky Mancha, Region 4 V.P. | Greg Biel, Region 5 V.P. | Bobby Orozco Jr., Region 6 V.P. | Joe Shuker, Region 7 V.P. | Victor Payes Martinez, Fair Practices Coordinator | Concetta Fialkowski, Women’s Coordinator | Christopher Blessing, AFGE Council 100 Attorney

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