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Happy Independence Day – 2024

AFGE Council 100 wishes everyone a safe and fun Fourth of July holiday celebration! America, despite all her peoples’ fallacies, remains the constant beacon of hope; a harbor from the world’s storms; a refuge for the beaten and battered; and a bright light during dark and tumultuous times.

As federal employees, and AFGE members, working for these great United States at the Transportation Security Administration, we take pride in ensuring U.S. and world travelers enjoy the freedom of movement without fear of terrorist attacks on American soil. Our impeccable record of zero catastrophic incidents since our inception, speaks to the amazing work in which our frontline officers commit. And our work is never done.

Whether we are advocating for passenger safety, stronger security screening protocols, additional officers, and better equipment as the standard rule rather than the exception; or we are advocating for our over 45,000-employee workforce through the passage of favorable legislation for workplace rights, better pay and benefits, and fair treatment of all TSA Officers commensurate with our Department of Homeland Security counterparts, we are seeking freedoms for all.  

Just as our forefathers won their independence from Great Britain, on July 4th, 1776, AFGE, as the exclusive representative for TSA employees, has vigorously fought for separation from the stronghold of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA) of 2001.

In our agency’s recent history—as it was in those early formulating years of our country—we have secured some early victories that will eventually lead us to codifying Title 5 rights and the General Schedule pay system, just like our predecessors’ early victories which lead to their independence.

Meanwhile, like those before us, we must hold steady, never wavering or backing down, instead we must recommit ourselves to staying consistent in this push to obtain that which we never truly had—independence from our oppressors—who seeks too high a cost in exchange for iron-fisted rule.

TSA employees have been under administrative draconian rule for quite some time, yet similarly, Independence Day did not become a federal holiday for some time–until June 28, 1870 (Library of Congress)—almost a hundred years after its inception, which confirms, that change does not occur instantly, yet when it does—when we finally reach our goal—it will feel a lot like freedom.

In Unity,

AFGE Council 100

Hydrick Thomas, President | Mac Johnson, Council Executive Vice President | Johnny Jones, Council Secretary-Treasurer | Thomas Schoregge, Region 1 V.P. | John Hubert, Region 2 V.P. | Janis Casey, Region 3 V.P. | Becky Mancha, Region 4 V.P. | Greg Biel, Region 5 V.P. | Bobby Orozco Jr., Region 6 V.P. | Joe Shuker, Region 7 V.P. | Victor Payes Martinez, Fair Practices Coordinator | Concetta Fialkowski, Women’s Coordinator

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