IMPORTANT: This information should not be downloaded using government equipment, read during duty time or sent to others using government equipment, because it suggests action to be taken in support of or against legislation. Do not use your government email address or government phone in contacting your Member of Congress.

Your AFGE TSA Council 100 asks all AFGE members to contact your Member of Congress to co-sponsor H.R. 3394 (Fund the TSA Act). Below are resources for you to use to make phone calls, send emails and schedule in-person meetings with your Member of Congress and their staff! If you should ever have any questions please contact your C100 Regional Vice President for further guidance!
To schedule an in-person meeting or to speak with your House Representative visit the “House of Representatives Contact Information” link above! After locating your Representative click on their name, within their site you will find the contact information for their District and D.C. Offices, either call or email them requesting an in-person meeting with the Representative and/or their staff. If you should have any questions email us HERE!

DO NOT join or access the AFGE PAC website on agency equipment or while on agency time!