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AFGE Council 100 – Happy New Year 2025!

2024 promised to build on the successes of the previous year, and in many respects it did not disappoint. With your help, AFGE Council 100 was able to secure the most comprehensive collective bargaining agreement in its history. Then further solidifying its contents by locking it in for an unprecedented seven years. For the first time since the creation of our agency, through your relentless organizing efforts, we broke the 25,000-membership mark, which places us at approximately 56% Density—well over 30% more than the federal employee average.
Ever the optimist, our Council President, Hydrick Thomas, believes that in 2025 we can continue our growth by attending new hire classes, holding membership drives, and providing quality representation—which the entire Council supports. Speaking of 2025, we must keep in mind that our TSA Locals have perpetually encountered negativity and opposition since our inception, yet we strategized, fought back, and moved forward—and this upcoming year will be no different.
Our mindset has not changed, our goals remain ambitious—yet realistic, and our vision is clear despite the perceived obstacles forming before us. In 2025, we must be level-headed, creative, and willing to compromise in the name of partnership and survival—when deemed appropriate. While we believe we have legally sound protections, negotiated in our CBA, we are not oblivious to the incoming political, and quite possibly, hostile, environment. Instead, we must focus on maintaining our secured victories, while attaining incremental progress in the process.
For now, we celebrate the year that was, the present time, and the year to come. We accept challenges, embrace change, and march ahead no matter the circumstances or outcome.

Our New Year’s resolution is ‘to be resolute’ in all we do. In closing, Council 100 wishes you and yours a safe and Happy New Year! See you in 2025!

To a Prosperous New Year,
AFGE TSA Council 100

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