Someone We Know
We all know someone
or we are someone
who has been tempted
who has lost someone
who has loved someone
who attempted
who succeeded
No one is exempt from
feeling this way
no way are we meant to
go out this way
but there are
moments that
we spend
this day
Someone we know
is crying out for
something more
than we know
they need
something bigger
than what we
can see
Life can be
and undone
it is tragically
with us
yet it can
be magical
full and
for us
we know
who would
allow it to
work it’s
on them.
we see you.
we hear you.
talk to
you know.
Hydrick Thomas, President | Mac Johnson, Council Executive Vice President | Johnny Jones, Council Secretary-Treasurer | Carlos Rodriguez, Region 1 V.P. | John Hubert, Region 2 V.P. | Janis Casey, Region 3 V.P. | Becky Mancha, Region 4 V.P. | Duncan McGuire, Region 5 V.P. | Bobby Orozco Jr., Region 6 V.P. | Joe Shuker, Region 7 V.P. | Victor Payes Martinez, Fair Practices Coordinator | Concetta Fialkowski, Women’s Coordinator