AFGE Sisters, Brothers, and Siblings,
As we close out 2023 and move into the new year we want to look back and remember all the amazing things we as AFGE-TSA have accomplished. As usual this last year hasn’t been an easy one, but a lot of great things did come out of it! For starters, AFGE was successful in getting the Pay Equity Act passed through Congress giving TSA an amazing leap forward towards what we have been fighting for since the inception of TSA! On average TSA personnel received a 30% pay increase to their base salaries. Additionally, we were granted in the Administrator’s Determination expanded bargaining abilities. It is presently estimated that within the first quarter of 2024 the new CBA will be ready for ratification of the TSA BUE’s nationwide. The negotiations of the new AFGE-TSA CBA have been a long process, but it is all worth it being that it is by far the best CBA this Council has had the privilege to negotiate!
This year has also been a great year for organizing our members within AFGE. The C100 Communication Committee launched an initiative to have Local Presidents appoint Local Communication Coordinators that work in partnership with the Committee to collaborate on bettering the passing of information to and from the Locals and the Council. They are using this new strength to provide a better experience on the C100 website, social media, The Solidarity Source Magazine, and working with the AFGE Communications Department to get more presence on TV and newspaper media regarding TSA issues. Additionally, they are gathering information from the Locals of case wins so we can celebrate those as one AFGE-TSA and show you, our members, just how much can be accomplished when we work together as one Union.
Another great advancement was in the C100 Y.O.U.N.G. Committee. The C100 Y.O.U.N.G. Committee voted to implement a Committee Charter in April and held Officer elections in May. Since then, C100 Officers have appointed members from their respective regions to serve as C100 Regional Y.O.U.N.G. Coordinators. They have already been hard at work when they put on a “Day of Action” around trying to stop the government shutdown back in September. They have plans to do virtual trainings for AFGE-TSA Representatives this year as well!
The membership of AFGE-TSA has sky-rocketed this year. The AFGE-TSA Locals have been working extremely hard to get the word out to all our BUE’s regarding the “Pay Equity Act” and the major role AFGE played in making that a reality. During open season Local Leaders were holding events that were focused on the benefits that are available to our members and how these benefits can save your hundreds of your hard-earned dollars. As a result of these benefits events many Locals were able to organize dozens of new members, thus making AFGE-TSA an even stronger force! We are extremely proud of the work AFGE-TSA Locals have accomplished this year, we will continue to keep moving forward and upwards! Thank you for all your do serve our country in keeping everyone safe. We hope and pray you have a very happy and prosperous new year!
Happy New Year,
AFGE TSA Council 100
Hydrick Thomas, President | Mac Johnson, Council Executive Vice President | Johnny Jones, Council Secretary-Treasurer | Thomas Schoregge, Region 1 V.P. | John Hubert, Region 2 V.P. | Janis Casey, Region 3 V.P. | Becky Mancha, Region 4 V.P. | Greg Biel, Region 5 V.P. | Bobby Orozco Jr., Region 6 V.P. | Joe Shuker, Region 7 V.P. | Victor Payes Martinez, Fair Practices Coordinator | Concetta Fialkowski, Women’s Coordinator